St. Michael School takes pride in its tradition of excellence. Students’ neatness helps to establish and maintain an environment conducive to learning, decency, and good manners. Student and parent cooperation is required.
Uniforms for TK through 8th students may be purchased through Bancroft Uniform.
Parents are requested to partner with the school by ensuring that your student is in compliance prior to leaving home. The school administration makes the final decision regarding student attire and grooming. Students out of uniform may receive a uniform infraction. More than three infractions per trimester are unacceptable and may result in a lowering of the student’s Work Habits grade.
TK - 5th Grade: Items Required
6th - 8th Grade: Items Required
TK - 5th Grade: Items Required
6th - 8th Grade: Items Required
On certain occasions (Student Body Masses, School Pictures, etc.) the students will be asked to be in complete uniform. An email will be sent out with a reminder prior to the event. The complete uniform includes a school sweatshirt/sweater. No Fun Run or Caritas hoodies may be worn on these occasions. Students should also pay particular attention to grooming and cleanliness. Each student should come to school looking his or her best.
Casual/Spirit Dress Days are not considered free dress, because it is still expected that students will dress in a manner appropriate to a TK - 8th grade Catholic school.
• No torn/ripped jeans/pants
• Leggings are not considered pants.
• No tank tops, spaghetti straps, sleeveless, or crop tops
• No short shorts
Students are still expected to wear tennis shoes for safety reasons. Student Leadership will publish guidelines for special spirit dress days during the school year.